IT Valley Mission

We represent the technology sector of eastern Slovakia.

Našou víziou je vytvoriť na východnom Slovensku technologicky vyspelé a inovatívne podnikateľské prostredie. Chceme, aby sa región východného Slovenska stal centrom excelentnosti pre podnikanie, výskum a vzdelávanie a miestom, kde sa vyvíjajú technologické riešenia s celosvetovým dosahom.

Snažíme sa vytvoriť prostredie, kde talentovaní ľudia môžu nájsť prácu s vysokou pridanou hodnotou a napredovať, a kde firmy môžu rásť a rozvíjať sa. Chceme zvyšovať kvalitu života ľudí v regióne a prinášať pridanú hodnotu nielen pre miestnu komunitu, ale aj pre celé Slovensko a medzinárodné trhy.

Basic pillars


Eastern Slovakia as a good place to live

We collect and provide data in order to increase the investor attractiveness of the region.


We support education with a focus on the skills of the future.

Promoting innovation

We create conditions for knowledge and technology transfer between the academic and IT industries.

Members of Košice IT Valley

The members of Košice IT Valley include IT companies mainly from Eastern Slovakia, high schools, vocational schools, universities, non-profit organizations and also local governments. The companies associated in the Košice IT Valley organisation provide jobs for thousands of people in the region of Eastern Slovakia. In 2013, they employed more than 6,000 workers. In 2023, there are more than 15,000 workers in the IT sector.
Public institutions
Academic sector
Private sector
Miriama Hučková
Executive Director of Košice IT Valley

Organisational structure

The highest governing body of the cluster is the General Assembly.

The General Assembly is made up of the member organisations. It constitutes and elects representatives of other bodies. The Executive Director is the statutory body of the cluster and manages its activities.

The executive body that carries out the activities and tasks of the association.
Správna rada
The governing body that directs and manages the activities of the association.
Dozorná rada
A control body that oversees the activities of the association.