We represent

ICT sector in Eastern Slovakia
We create an environment where talented people can progress and find jobs with high added value and where companies can grow and develop.

IT of Eastern Slovakia in figures

We collect and provide data to enhance the region’s investor attractiveness, helping to stimulate economic growth.

Activities Košice IT Valley

What activities do we have in our portfolio?

Networking meetings

Košice IT Valley creates a space for regular meetings of key players in the technology sector, which enables the creation of synergies and connections.

Supporting women in ICT

At Košice IT Valley, we have long been supporting women in the IT sector and working to provide them with opportunities for education, development and career growth in the field of technology.

Let’s educate virtually

The "Let's Educate Virtually" project brings an innovative approach to education, making virtual reality (VR) an integral part of teaching vocational subjects.

Become a member of Košice IT Valley

Are you interested in becoming a member of our association? Contact us and we will get back to you!